WarningComplicatedDataType=RegAlyzer can add a value of this type, but can only edit it in binary form.%0D%0ABad data can cause Windows Regedit to hang.%0D%0ADo you want to continue?
ConfirmValueDelete=Do you really want to delete this value ("%s")?
ConfirmKeyDelete=Do you really want to delete this key ("%s")?
DialogRenameValueTitle=Rename value ("%s")
DialogRenameValueCaption=Please enter the new name for this value:
DialogRenameKeyTitle=Rename key ("%s")
DialogRenameKeyCaption=Please enter the new name for this key:
DialogNewKeyTitle=New key
DialogNewKeyCaption=Please enter a name for the new key:
DialogNewValueTitle=New value
DialogNewValueCaption=Please enter a name for the new value:
DialogNewValueStringTitle=New string value
DialogNewValueStringCaption=Please enter a name for the new string value:
DialogNewValueNumericTitle=New numeric value
DialogNewValueNumericCaption=Please enter a name for the new numeric value:
DialogNewValueBinaryTitle=New binary value
DialogNewValueBinaryCaption=Please enter a name for the new binary value:
DialogJumpToKeyTitle=Jump to key
DialogJumpToKeyCaption=Please enter key to go to:
DialogNewKeyDefault=New key
DialogNewValueDefault=New value
DialogNewValueStringDefault=New string
DialogNewValueNumericDefault=New numeric
DialogNewValueBinaryDefault=New binary data
DialogDataNotDefined=(Data not defined)
DialogDataNotSupported=(Data type not supported)
DialogDataBinaryZero=(Binary data of zero length)
DialogDataError=(Error reading data)
DialogSearchStatus=Searching %s
DialogSearchFinished=Search has finished with %d results.
DialogSearchStopped=You have stopped the search.
DialogSearchFocusLimited=Search limited to %s.
DialogSearchFocusAll=Search complete registry.
DialogSearchHighSpeedStatus=Please be patient...
RemoteConnectTitle=Connect to remote registry
RemoteConnectCaption=Please enter name of remote computer:
DialogConfirmImport=Do you really want to import this file?
BookmarkItemDefaultName=New bookmark
BookmarkItemAddTitle=New bookmark name
BookmarkItemAddCaption=Please enter the name for the new bookmark:
BookmarkItemAddLocationCaption=Please enter the location the new bookmark will point to:
BookmarkItemRenameTitle=Rename bookmark
BookmarkItemRenameCaption=Please enter the new name for the bookmark:
BookmarkItemDeleteCaption=Do you really want to delete this bookmark?
BookmarkFolderDefaultName=New folder
BookmarkFolderAddTitle=New folder name
BookmarkFolderAddCaption=Please enter the name for the new folder:
BookmarkFolderRenameTitle=Rename folder
BookmarkFolderRenameCaption=Please enter the new name for the folder:
BookmarkFolderDeleteCaption=Do you really want to delete this folder?
DialogSearchReplaceStatus=%s occurences have been replaced.
ConfirmCopyOverwrite=A value of that name ("%s") already exists in your destination key. Do you really want to overwrite it?
DragDropMoveStatus=Moving value(s) to %%s...
DragDropCopyStatus=Copying value(s) to %%s...
DragDropValueMoveStatus=Moving value(s) to %s...
DragDropValueCopyStatus=Copying value(s) to %s...
DragDropKeyMoveStatus=Moving key %s into %s...
DragDropKeyCopyStatus=Copying key %s into %s...
DragDropWrongRootKeyWarning=You cannot move keys between different root keys (yet)!
RemoteErrorAccessDenied=You do not have access to the network resource.
RemoteErrorAlreadyAssigned=That device is already connected.
RemoteErrorBadDevice=The specified device is invalid.
RemoteErrorBadNetName=The format of the network resource is invalid.
RemoteErrorBadProfile=The user profile was specified in an incorrect format.
RemoteErrorBadProvider=Your network address does not match any network provider.
RemoteErrorBusy=The router or provider is busy. Please retry in a few seconds.
RemoteErrorInvalidPassword=The password you entered is invalid for this resource.
RemoteErrorNoNetOrBadPath=The network has not been not started or the specified address cannot be used.
RemoteErrorNoNetwork=The network is unavailable.
DialogHivesLoaded=%d registry hives have been found and loaded into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\PE_* and/or HKEY_USERS\PE_*. They will be unloaded again on program exit.
Use=Use english language
FontName=MS Sans Serif
formEditString=Change string data
formEditInteger=Change numeric data
formEditMultiString=Change multi-string value
formEditResourceRequirementsList=Display Resource Requirements List
Label1=Copyright ⌐ 2000-2003 Patrick M. Kolla. All rights reserved.
memoCredits=Credits go to: %0D%0AEnrico Maria Biancarelli (suggestions, italian translation)%0D%0AAndrey V. Sorokin (code for regular expressions)%0D%0AHevesi Jßnos (magyar translation)%0D%0AQuan Qi Tang (chinese simplified translation)%0D%0Aliwk (chinese traditional translation)%0D%0AnickW (french translation)%0D%0ADavid (spanish translation)%0D%0ANelson A. H. de Carvalho (brazil translation)%0D%0APep Isern (catalan translation)%0D%0AKristian Christensen (dansk translation)%0D%0AHeppocrates Giakoumis (hellenic translation)%0D%0ABartosz Czerwinski (polski translation)%0D%0A
labelCopyright=Copyright ⌐ 2000-2005 Patrick M. Kolla / Safer Networking Ltd.
cbByDateMode.Items=of any date.%0D%0Anewer than:%0D%0Aolder than:%0D%0Abetween:%0D%0Aoutside of:%0D%0A
labelByDate=Search &for keys that are
labelByDateOSInfo=This search criterion is only available on Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems. Windows 9x and Windows ME do not support registry key dates.
aSearchResultsDeSelectValues=Deselect value results
aSearchResultsSelectData=Select data results
aSearchResultsDeSelectData=Deselect data results
aSearchResultsExportKeyContents=Option: Export contents of key results as well
labelInfoDBKey=Key information:
labelInfoDBValue=Value information:
labelNamePrompt=Please enter the name of the remote computer:
labelRemoteInfo=Note: Connecting to a remote registry will only work if the remote computer is running Windows NT, 2000 or XP, or Windows ME if the remote service is running.
labelReplaceLimitations=Please select the entries that should be included in the replace on the Results tab. Replace will only work for key and value names and string data.